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OBTAINING THE PLATES: After waiting for four years, Joseph Smith met the Angel Moroni on the Hill Cumorah to obtain the gold plates. Angel Moroni warned him to keep the plates safe as he began the task of the translating them. After translation was complete, the gold plates were returned to the Angel Moroni.
PRIESTHOOD RESTORED: Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery inquired of the Lord through prayer concerning baptism for the remission of sins after it was mentioned through the translation process of the gold plates. While they were praying, a “messenger from heaven descended” and ordained them to the Aaronic priesthood which holds the keys to baptize by immersion.
MIDNIGHT IN FAR WEST: In 1838, as the Saints were beginning construction, Joseph Smith received a revelation that the Council of the Twelve Apostles should leave on missions “over the great waters” to preach the gospel. The revelation included that they would “take leave of my saints in the city of Far West”. By next April the saints were living in Nauvoo and tension between the saints and Missouri created a dangerous situation. Early on the morning of April 26, 1839, just after midnight, five apostles arrived in Far West. They sang a hymn, prayed, ordained Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith as apostles, and once again laid a large stone onto the southeast corner of the temple.