Best Products for Creative Learning

Best Products for Learning Creatively

Learning through art is not only entertaining but it has other benefits. Art can having a calming and relaxing effect. Life is so crazy who can’t benefit from that! Art can also help us to connect with others, the world around us and the information we are learning.

Over the years our children have been in public school, charter school, and homeschool. They each learn so differently but art was always universal. There are so many forms of creative expression that we could always find something that would enhance learning.

Being creative through art is so much more than keeping your kids busy. We have learned about family history by creating our own history journals, setting goals by creating vision boards, and understanding the passover by dressing up in traditional costumes and eating foods common during Biblical times. These inventive experiences have helped bring these lessons into their hearts and encourage them to learn more. Most of all they have brought us closer together as a family.

What Kind of Art is Best?

There is not one type of art that is the “best” but there will be some forms of art that draw individuals closer to the lessons they are learning. Only you determine what will work best for your family and those you are trying to teach, but hanging a picture they colored on their wall, just might do the trick!

What If I’m Not Creative?

Creativity is one of our innate abilities. We are born with it. Kids make forts, mud pies, draw on walls, float homemade boats down gutters, or make a homemade creek with a hose without any adult instructions. It’s instinctive! Somehow adults don’t prioritize creativity and almost numb ourselves to life with “more important” things.

James has drawn pictures and doodles since he was a kid. A few years after we got married he started working in law enforcement and the habit of being artist slowly started to take a backseat to his career. After many years, his job started to take a toll on him and we decided to make significant changes in our lives. As part of that he started being creative again. James started with music, then woodworking, and eventually began drawing again. He felt like some part of him was coming back to life, and for him, it was healing.

If you ask yourself, “What if I’m not creative?”, it may be time to go on an expedition of sorts and explore your creative interests. Take inventory of the creative things you are interested in. Have you always loved music? Have you always admired floral arrangements? Do you imagine yourself as a great painter? Pick something you feel drawn to and try it out through an online class or watch YouTube videos.

Best Products to Start Integrating Art

Colored Pencils

I’ve used Prismacolor pencils ever since I was in High School AP art.  It’s the only AP course I ever took.  Prismacolor pencils give the user a wide array to present their art.  From light shading, to deep, rich colors, these pencils do it all.  

Sketch Pads

We go through a lot of sketch pads around our house, but we like a heavier paper mostly. This pad is a mix media pad that you can use for multiple types of art. We also like heavy weight paper when we are working with kids because its more forgiving.


For most of my art, I use Prismacolor’s pens. They work well and are pretty smooth! They have a variety of sizes and uses, including drawing sweet pictures, and doing fancy script writing.  


I love the Prismacolor Artgum eraser.  It’s brilliant.  Not bright, just really cool.  Using the Artgum eraser takes care of pencil lines, without all the ripping, smearing, and chest pain that other erasers cause.  Granted, you get a LOT of rubbings all over your art board, but if you’re creative enough, you can make a nice little sculpture of a mouse, or something like that with the rubbings and some paste. Perhaps Elmer’s glue makes a paste for sculpting mice and similar cute rodents. 

Common Questions/FAQ About Creative Learning

A super quick and basic lesson in SEO (search engine optimization) is to Google the issue you’re talking about and see what comes up. Use the top questions displayed from Google to add to your post. Make sure to answer those questions in your post.

Why is creative development so important to children’s learning?

Creativity helps with intellectual and cognitive development. Creativity also helps to develop many thinking skills. These skills include problem-solving, developing imagination, concentration and critical thinking. Who doesn’t want to improve in these areas?

What is your creative process?

In ancient Greece, artists, poets, and playwrights spoke of their “muses.” These spirits gave the artist the idea or inspiration, from which to work. I’m not sure about faerie spirits putting thoughts into my head, but I do believe in the inspiration that comes to us. I have had many ideas come to me, which were not my own. I take no credit for them, but am ever grateful when these fully-developed bursts of information are downloaded into my mind.

Developing a lateral-thinking mindset is one important aspect to creativity. I am a BIG believer in the concept of A.S.Q. (“Ask Simple Questions”). I use this idea constantly, either in my work as a Peace Officer, as a Genealogist, or as an artist. When reading the scriptures (or a Police report, or a Witness/Suspect statement), asking simple questions of the information opens unlimited doorways of thought.

When we read that father Lehi dwelt in a tent (1 Nephi 2:15), rather than moving onto the next verse, A.S.Q! What kind of tent? What was it made of? What colors would it be? How would it smell? How did it fold? How long would it take to fold it up? Whose job would it have been to set-up/take-down the tent? How was it carried (on a camel, tied up in a bundle?), Was it heavy? What did they sleep on, within the tent? Could they have fire in the tent (if not, how would they get light inside that wouldn’t light the whole place on fire?), what other cultures traveled with camels in tents? Bedouins? Where could I search to see what a Bedouin-like tent would look like, and on, and on, and on.

The more you ASQ, the more you learn. The more you understand, the more meaningful you can tell the story through your art.

How do you start the creative process?

  • Prepare yourself to come up with ideas. Clear away all distractions.
  • Ask yourself questions.
  • Let your mind think about all kinds of possibilities.
  • Write down all your ideas.
  • Read or watch something on the topic or technique to be inspired.
  • Have everything you need on hand!

How do I start involving creativity with gospel learning?

After going through the creative process to come up with ideas on a specific topic you want to teach, meditate on which one you feel will be meaningful for your family. You probably don’t want to do all your ideas at once, but save them for later. Sometimes we teach on the topic multiple times during the week at family dinner, family scripture study, etc. and having extra ideas prepared will come in handy!

Don’t Overthink it, Just Get Started!

The real part of being creative is the process. Try adding something creative your teaching or learning and just get started!

If you have a favorite product that you love please share with us! We love learning about new things we can use 🙂

Email us at ar*****@dr********.com